King Harvest specializes in Strain Specific medical cannabis protocols which are 90-day long programs of medicine designed to eradicate disease altogether. With over a decade of experience serving patients, King Harvest has had a unique opportunity to see what works. Over the years we have worked with patients and physicians directly to determine the different types of chemical profiles within the cannabis medicine itself to be valuable for treating different kinds of ailments. Depending on the type of illness or symptom you’re dealing with our specialist are able to create a customized medical protocol that is unique and specific to the situation that your patient is in. We can address the situation from the perspective of treating symptoms, or we can dig in deeper and try to eliminate the underlying disease itself. Either way and at all times your specialist will help determine the exact type of customized medicine you need and for how long it should be taken. They will also supervise the day to day dosing of the medicine and make themselves available for questions and support.
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