As most health issues are determined to be a result of inflammation, King Harvest medicines are excellent for treating almost any type of ailment, whether it is focused only on the symptoms or the underlying disease itself. There are too many ailments to count, but they generally fall into one of three categories:
- Symptom Treatment: We address conditions such as anxiety, pain, aggression, and low energy due to age-related illnesses. King Harvest products will begin showing results for issues like these in just a few hours or even a few days.
- Critical Conditions: We encounter critical conditions of all kinds. For more serious issues, we treat a variety of cancers, such as Lymphoma and Osteosarcoma, autoimmune disorders such as Diabetes, IBD, Crohn’s, or Addison’s, neurological issues such as epilepsy and seizures, or inflammatory conditions like Arthritis and hip dysplasia. King Harvest medicines are beneficial for all these conditions because inflammation has been determined to be the root of all diseases.
- Age-Related Illness: The final category addresses age-related illnesses. By stimulating the canine endocannabinoid system, we see aging dogs (and humans) revert to a much more youthful version of themselves, with increased energy, less pain, and better sleep overall.
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